
When I was three years old, I was at a birthday party when I turned to see a boy whom I had never met, staring at Me, mouth agape. I didn’t like him staring at Me, so I grabbed a [plastic] golf club, and hit him in the face with it.

As a child, I was labeled bossy by My teachers and peers. I was often the leader and reveled in having control over others, telling them exactly what to do and exactly how to do it. I didn’t like being punished for My tyrant tendencies, so I bottled them up to avoid being put in time out.

I didn’t have a “proper” container for my innate bossiness, My urge to bully and dominate, until I found BDSM. Walking into My first play party, I knew I’d found My community. I was created to be worshiped, and the submissives begging to touch My feet, lick My soles, whiff My shoes … they were created to serve Me. I delighted in teasing and torturing willing submissives – I’d finally found a container for all of the sadistic energy I’d kept contained in My petite frame.


As a Sadist, I adore playing with those interested in exploring and expanding their boundaries in the world of kink and BDSM. Call Me on NiteFlirt, apply to Serve Me, and send Me a gift via My Wishtender or Throne to get in My good graces. I look forward to devouring you.